Saturday, March 15, 2014


I just finished watching HBO's Band of Brothers.

I'm 22-years-old, and what have I contributed to my country? If anything, my country has given me everything: school, a job, a future. But how did that happen? Because of what those men did.

my grandfather on the right, 17-years-old
I'm sitting here typing this, tears running down my cheeks. My grandfather fought in WW2, but in the Pacific. (Yes, I know about that HBO show, too. It's next on the list, if I can make it through it.)

I never heard him talk about the war, and I never will, as he died a few years ago. But I am so proud to have a grandfather who fought in that war that was absolutely devastating to so many parts of the world.

My mother and I went to see Battleship when I was in college. In the movie, the aliens or whatever cause the ships to lose power, and everything that runs electrically is shut down. So they call upon veterans to run an older ship.

When my mom and I were watching, we both started crying - that would've been Pappaw. He would've done the same thing - gone to fight for his country without even a second thought.

It's amazing what these men did for our country, and it's even more amazing what that they were able to come home and live semi normal lives. My grandfather raised two amazing daughters and a wonderful son. My family is so blessed by him still today.

As I think about that time, I think what it would have been like to live with heroes. Live with heroes coming back from a dark, dark place. Marry heroes. Have a hero as a father (not that my dad isn't). I can't imagine having those people be my age, living around me - going to college with me, being my lawyer, working as a cab driver. Those men deserved so much more, but they were simply happy with life.

I need to be happy with life. I'm upset because I'm alone in Colorado Springs, working at a good job with a meal plan, sitting on my couch my parents gave me, watching a big TV and HBO.

Boy, how TV can change a girl's life. I need to get my head in the game and realize that damn, I've got it good.

On a lighter note, here are a few other things that happened this week.

Reign: I'm starting to lose interest. I started a while ago, and now it's reached a peak. I can't handle it anymore, so I think I'm probably going to stop watching. Maybe I'll watch to the end of the season. Maybe.

Veronica Mars: THE MOVIE WAS PERFECT. Everything I could've ever wanted. *Spoilers: Thank goodness Logan and Veronica ended up together. And Logan in uniform??? Also everything I could've ever wanted. Although I will say, if Veronica chose Logan, then I chose Piz. Come to me, my little sunshine.
Insurgent: Finished. Loved it. It was a little slow whenever they were breaking into Erudite, or at least Tris was, betraying Tobias. I was so nervous Tobias was never going to forgive Tris - thank goodness she did. Now I'm excited for Allegiant to finally come in the mail so I can figure out what's going on outside the fence. (Let's also hope the movie is good. It's up for next week!)

The Last Days of California: I'm reading a new fiction book by a Mississippian named Mary Muller. It's a new take on the coming-of-age novel. I'm only about 30 pages in, but the writing is spectacular and I'm enjoying it already. It's definitely not like my YA books, so while it's half the length of those books, it may take me just as long to read it. It makes me think more, and I stop and reread paragraphs a lot. It's amazing how authors can make you question so much.

I haven't watched many things as spectacular as Band of Brothers, and I think only The Patriot has made me cry as much. But I think it's mostly because of the undying passion men have for freedom and their country. As cliché as it sounds, I am so utterly proud to be an American.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

dreams and a few updates

I've had this bookmark a long time. I'm pretty sure I bought it at the end of high school - maybe when I was reading Twilight? That was right before my senior year of high school. The time that I finally decided, wow, reading is awesome. (I didn't read a single thing I was supposed to read in high school, except Our Town, which is to this day my favorite play. Maybe I should've taken a hint. Anyway.)

This bookmark has been in every book I've read since then, and it's been crucial in my life. "Go confidently in the direction of your dreams; live the life you have imaged."

This will always be my favorite quote, but part of me wants to change it a little now. Live the life You have imaged. I have a great life imaged for myself - I'm the lead in a supernatural TV show, dating *insert celebrity crush here*, and doing anything my heart desires. But is that what He has planned for me? Maybe. But clearly not right now.

So my dreams are big, and I think He encourages dreams. Hope you have dreams - something to shoot for. But my dreams have changed exponentially over and over again - actor, theatre historian, Greek life coordinator, Dean of Students, etc. (That last one I'm really starting to long for.) But I need to start trusting more in God to put me on the right path. My dreams can be His dreams, too. I just need to start searching for Him - He is my new dream. And the dreams of life will fall into place.

Bonus: here's a #tbt picture of my puppy when we first got home. I love this dog more than most things, and I probably half my heart is reserved for him. Don't know what I would do without him. Love Duke.

So the Veronica Mars movie comes out tonight at midnight.

I don't have anyone to go with.

I'm planning on going Saturday morning, by myself. That's okay. Times like these I long for Texas and my friends.

I'm going to Texas again at the end of April, but that feels so far away. I wish I had people here that understood "nerd Maggie" like I did in college. I think I'll find some, but I know it takes time. By the time I find them, though, will I be moving on to the next stage of my life?

The next weekend the Divergent movie comes out. And boy am I stoked! I can't wait to see it - Theo James is fine, and I'm excited to see him on the big screen. Again, I'll probably see that one by myself on Saturday morning. Why isn't there a movie theater that allows dogs? Duke would love to come.

Insurgent: I have 66 pages left, and the third book won't be coming in the mail until next week. Crying. I need to slow down so I don't have withdrawals in between books, but I just CAN'T! The way Veronica Roth gives you little tidbits of information while filling in holes and feeding you wonderful and heart wrenching Tobias/Tris scenes is amazing. Authors have magical powers. It's a fact.

Lastly, I have an exciting new goal I've set for myself! I want to read at least 5 books a month, starting now. I read 4 in January, skipped February, and now I'm on the second book of March. I think I can do it, even with work, so I'm really excited. I'm going to be updated my books I've read, so be on the lookout for a Books of 2014 page!

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

sunny with a high of snow? oh no.

Yesterday was my favorite day in a long time. It was warm, sunny, and I was wearing a tank top and leggings, sitting outside with my dog, reading the second book in the Divergent series, Insurgent. It was spectacular.

It's supposed to snow today. Snow, snow, GO AWAY AND NEVER COME BACK! Growing up in Mississippi, you think I would enjoy the snow, as I never saw it much. But now I've seen plenty - and heaven knows I am very tired of scraping my car.

But nonetheless, it's already been a great week. Work is fun - no craziness, and I've watched a lot of good TV and read some good books.

And I've been talking to God more. Why haven't I done that in a long time? I'm thanking Him more. He really is responsible for everything in my life. Why don't I acknowledge that more? My recent life change is, as I said, very recent. But I've already noticed an impact - my thoughts are elsewhere, my heart is elsewhere, and my life is no longer still. It's on fire, it's moving. I'm feeling like I'm in my sophomore year of college again, enjoying life as a nerd and a Jesus lover. What more do I need? God is good, God is great, and so are YA novels and CW/MTV shows. (As well as HBO's Band of Brothers, but I'll get into that later.)

It feels good to be this Maggie again. Not that I wasn't myself for the past year and half - I was definitely myself, in a different way. Nerd Maggie is a great Maggie, and it's one that I embrace wholeheartedly. I was afraid for a while to be who I was - am I high school again? - and I'm not anymore.

Yes, I'm going to live tweet Teen Wolf on Monday nights.

Yes, I'm going to talk about the YA novels I read on my blog and also on my Twitter.

Yes, basically my Twitter is going to be full of things that most people don't enjoy. But hey, I'm me. and that's where I stand.

Star Crossed: Wow. Can I just say - hit me with your best shot. Yesterday I was finally hooked to the new CW show. Don't get me wrong, Matt Lanter and Grey Damon hooked me from the start. But I finally find myself invested. The Atrians (the alien race that landed on Earth in 2014) and the humans fought together over a swim meet. A SWIM MEET. Sports make me want to cry often - I have a lot of feelings about sports. And then it happened - sports will bring people together.

They referenced Jackie Robinson. I'm really enjoying the way they are handling the racism of the Atrians and the humans. Definitely a great show to watch. It was mindless at first, just a show to watch for the cute boys, but now I'm actually enjoying the content!

Teen Wolf: I still haven't quite processed last night's episode, as a lot happened. But I enjoyed this episode so much more than the past two. It wasn't a bunch of filler, and really exciting things happened. Scott and Lydia had to work together (finally, best day ever), and Allison and Kira teamed up to make a fantastic lady killer team. What more could I ask for?

I'm starting to doubt my speculation that Allison will be the one to die at the end of this episode, but I'm still set on Malia being an integral part of the next two episodes. At least I hope so - give me more Shelley Hennig on my screen any day.

So yeah, Teen Wolf is Teen Wolf, and I still love it. Scott McCall is a gift.

Insurgent: 200 pages in, and I'm dying already. It's fantastic and I've been sucked in already. I'm hoping later on in the book we get more Dauntless working together, because that's my favorite part of the whole "faction" system, even if it is somewhat corrupt. They're still for each other - kind of like a Greek organization. You may not be the biggest fan of one of your sisters/brothers, but if they're in a crisis, you're there for them. Faction over blood, Sisterhood over everything else.

Excited to read more tonight, and I've already ordered the third book! (I've heard I'll be heartbroken at the end, and secretly I'm really excited for the emotional flip flop in my life. Who am I?)

Monday, March 3, 2014

Sing 2014

Thank goodness for Baylor's All-University Sing.

This past weekend I was able to travel back to the wonderful city of Waco to see my friends and other students perform in the campus wide masterpiece - Sing.

Alpha Tau Omega - "Scotland the Brave" - Third Place
After watching the show twice, I was insured of my desire to work with college students on something just like Sing, which I believe is an outlet that everyone should be plugging into.

As I was said to Jason Young, the genius behind the music of Sing, I believe that Sing isn't something that should be hogged by Baylor. The extravagance, the competition, and the group work that goes into something that has a $14,000 budget is an experience that I believe every college student should experience at least once.

So many other schools have programs like Sing, but they are no where near the size of Baylor's performance. That is something I wish to change.

Alpha Chi Omega - "O Sister, Where Art Thou?" - Pigskin
Luckily, from a Christian standpoint, performing is such a powerful way to show God how much we love Him. At Baylor, sometimes the competition overshadows that fact that we are performing and doing everything for Him. It is an amazing opportunity for us to show the joy God brings to our hearts and minds every day, and it should be viewed this way more.

So how can I possibly extend the magnificence that is Sing to other schools in the nation? I haven't figured it out yet, but I am for sure going to try my very best.

On the lineup tonight: Star Crossed, 7pm, CW; Teen Wolf, 8pm, MTV
Today's viewings: I finally finished season 3 of Veronica Mars, and let me just say - what was that ending?? Give me more, and thank goodness I get a movie in 11 days.

Veronica and Logan's love truly is epic, but what about the wonderful Stosh Piznarski? (Boy does he look good with a beat up face.) I'm excited to see what they give us in the movie, especially since so much time has passed.

But after watching the entire season, I'm sad that TV shows aren't as smart as Veronica Mars is today, or at least not any that are geared towards a "younger" audience. I enjoyed the smart aspect of the show, but especially since I could also enjoy the glory that is Jason Dohring. Good thing I decided to watch this show; the movie will be a wonderful thrill of a ride.